Saturday, September 09, 2006

Me and Bus #4...

There is no better way to start the day off than a good ol' fashioned breakfast - American style.

After having a nice breakfast with my friends, I set off on my journey. I explored Yichang by bus. I kind of felt like Mary Tyler Moore.

Just as there is an alley for everything else, there is also a Bar Alley. Here I also found the drink that makes Tennessee world renown - Jack Daniels.

I stayed on the bus all the way to one end of the route. Instead of making a U-turn and following the route back the other way, the bus driver and his friend looked at me strangely and got off. They went to have a drink, however, not at the place above. I found another #4 bus and got on it going the other way. I went all the way the other end. I saw this on the way:

The Yangtze River is beautiful and dirty. The Riverfront is neat. It had several parks. I walked through there and saw a set of parents let their little boy pee in public. Oh, the Chinese. They have no shame. And yet, they do. They don't like to "lose face" and yet letting little kids parade around and "mess" in the street isn't considered losing face. Hmm.

Well, what happened to me earlier happened again. I got to the end of the route and the guy kicked me off. But this time, he pulled ahead 10 feet and picked up another passenger. Why didn't he just tell me to pay another yuan.

I finally returned to my apartment and had a snack. There is no better way to end a day than by eating a mooncake and drinking a can of cold Pepsi. The guy on the can has it all: a mask, a pair of leather boots, fake leather clothes, and a whip.

Pepsi - the official sponsor of dungeon masters?

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