Monday, September 24, 2007

The Vienna Boys Choir...

Last Thursday, I had was afforded the opportunity to see the Vienna Boys Choir with some of my friends. When I first heard about this event, I was very cynical. After several conversations, I became more comfortable with the idea of the Boys Choir singing at 3 Gorges University. I cleared my schedule and got pumped up for the concert. I mean, I downloaded songs and wikipedia'd info on the Boys Choir. I was going to be prepared for this celebration of the arts...then I got the call. My friend called me after several more rounds of translation errors to announce that it was a ballet from Vienna. Well, all that preparation would have went to waste had I actually done that. I am glad I just went back to my apartment before the Ballet to eat and watch Desperate Housewives.

The 8:00 pm ballet started promptly at 8:36 pm after a few rounds of my friends' own attempts to put on a ballet. (Pictures below.) And what a ballet it was. My student and first good Chinese friend, Sun Zhi, attended this ballet with me and some of my foreign friends. It was not a quality ballet but it was neat getting to experience some culture and sharing western culture with my Chinese friend. There were some good parts but overall it was terrible. However, I did love when the Austrian man and woman tried to speak Chinese. I laughed so hard. That is all I can say. I can't describe it. They kept saying in Chinese: "I love China. I love the Yangtze River. I love Yichang." It just made me laugh. Check out some pictures. These are all from Beth's camera. Check out what she caught with her mad skills.

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