My office. It is on the 6th floor. My building is on the right, which you could see if it was in the pic.
My apartment complex, again.
Another little river flowing through the area. Nice but smelly.
Anyway, orientation was just 2 days of going of procedures and safety
precautions and such. I learned how to fill out a time sheet. I
learned what all the codes mean. Of course, I was at an advantage when
it came to hospital lingo. Thank you, Dr. House. Actually, I was the
only foreigner taking part in this orientation. The other 5 were
Chinese. An interesting thing to remember is that the main language
for all hospital operations is English. I kind of felt guilty because
I could understand everything the instructor was saying. I wonder if
my peers could. I am sure they understood a lot. My instructor kept
asking me if it was ok for her to use Chinese. I am totally ok with
that but she was uber-sensitive to my needs. Yeah for hospitality. I
just felt bad about that. In fact, I would rather her review
everything in Chinese.
One of the things that really stuck with me from the orientation was
the electrical safety guide. Don't get too excited. This is just me
being nerdy. You know some electric cords have 3 prongs? Well, I had
no idea what its purpose was until yesterday. It is a ground wire. If
the appliance malfunctions, any electricity that some how makes it to
the casing of the appliance is rerouted to this 3rd prongs and
grounded. I had no idea. We just cut them off when I was younger so
that they would fit in the 2 prong holes. I never got shocked because
of a malfunction. It was always because I was plugging things into the
socket in the dark and I was using my fingers as a guide by laying
them on the metal prong and feeling for the hole. I'll say it isn't a
terrible feeling but if the shock was larger I may have met my doom.
My office is about 10 mins away from the hospital by walk and on the
opposite side of my apartment. Did I mention my apartment was in
between the hospital and my office and one of the other sides of my
block holds the largest and best mall in the area? It could only be
more convenient if the subway stop was a half a kilometer closer.
Anyway, I sit at a cubicle. I am thinking about changing my blog name
to "Life from the Cube".
Well, off to learn some Chinese and find out what else is around here.
This is it. A 17 mile circumference circle of superconducting magnets
will send upwards of 600 billion particles in this ring with the
purpose of trying to make them collide with each other. Now,
obviously, the scientist probably have things under control. And as
you are reading this, the experiment has probably already begun.
Projections show that data won't be extrapolated until months from now
when these particles will finally reach 99.9% the speed of light. 0-60
in 5 seconds cannot be compared to 0-some umpteen million miles per
hour in a few months. Scientist want to find a particle, among other
things, that will help them understand the beginning of the universe.
Some people have expressed concern over this project and after reading
the following paragraph you might see why.
"If all goes according to plan, the Large Hadron Collider, a gigantic
particle accelerator underground near Geneva, could re-create the very
moment 13 billion years ago when scientists believe a tremendous
explosion known as the "big bang" created the universe."
Didn't that very moment rupture time and space catapulting all matter
(AND THE EARTH) as we know into the vast expanse? Big bang. Explosion.
Bigger than Krakatoa or a nuclear blast. Who is ok with this?
"Hey Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
"Let's take over the world like you always want to do?"
"No Pinky. Let's re-create the big bang."
It really is great to be back in China. It is even better being in
Shanghai starting my career. I was so excited that I slept 4 hours my
first night back. I woke up at 4 am checked on a few emails and then
started roaming the district for a few hours. I was up with the street
sweepers and the morning tai chi-ers. Pretty refreshing. I found the
fresh food market I will be shopping at. The veggies and fruit look
amazing. I did go apartment hunting. My agent found me one place but
it was actually smaller than the hotel room with no kitchen or washing
machine. We had a long discussion and cleared up some things and so I
think now she will be able to find me something more suitable.
Well, I have no pictures to post now but I will in the future. And the
Tale continues...